import {hasProperty, pushUnique, createTagRepeat} from '../../lib/utils.js'; import {dateValue} from '../../lib/date.js'; import {parseHTML} from '../../lib/dom.js'; import View from './View.js'; function computeMonthRange(range, thisYear) { if (!range || !range[0] || !range[1]) { return; } const [[startY, startM], [endY, endM]] = range; if (startY > thisYear || endY < thisYear) { return; } return [ startY === thisYear ? startM : -1, endY === thisYear ? endM : 12, ]; } export default class MonthsView extends View { constructor(picker) { super(picker, { id: 1, name: 'months', cellClass: 'month', }); } init(options, onConstruction = true) { if (onConstruction) { this.grid = this.element; this.element.classList.add('months', 'datepicker-grid'); this.grid.appendChild(parseHTML(createTagRepeat('span', 12, {'data-month': ix => ix}))); } super.init(options); } setOptions(options) { if (options.locale) { this.monthNames = options.locale.monthsShort; } if (hasProperty(options, 'minDate')) { if (options.minDate === undefined) { this.minYear = this.minMonth = this.minDate = undefined; } else { const minDateObj = new Date(options.minDate); this.minYear = minDateObj.getFullYear(); this.minMonth = minDateObj.getMonth(); this.minDate = minDateObj.setDate(1); } } if (hasProperty(options, 'maxDate')) { if (options.maxDate === undefined) { this.maxYear = this.maxMonth = this.maxDate = undefined; } else { const maxDateObj = new Date(options.maxDate); this.maxYear = maxDateObj.getFullYear(); this.maxMonth = maxDateObj.getMonth(); this.maxDate = dateValue(this.maxYear, this.maxMonth + 1, 0); } } if (options.beforeShowMonth !== undefined) { this.beforeShow = typeof options.beforeShowMonth === 'function' ? options.beforeShowMonth : undefined; } } // Update view's settings to reflect the viewDate set on the picker updateFocus() { const viewDate = new Date(this.picker.viewDate); this.year = viewDate.getFullYear(); this.focused = viewDate.getMonth(); } // Update view's settings to reflect the selected dates updateSelection() { const {dates, rangepicker} = this.picker.datepicker; this.selected = dates.reduce((selected, timeValue) => { const date = new Date(timeValue); const year = date.getFullYear(); const month = date.getMonth(); if (selected[year] === undefined) { selected[year] = [month]; } else { pushUnique(selected[year], month); } return selected; }, {}); if (rangepicker && rangepicker.dates) { this.range = => { const date = new Date(timeValue); return isNaN(date) ? undefined : [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()]; }); } } // Update the entire view UI render() { // refresh disabled months on every render in order to clear the ones added // by beforeShow hook at previous render this.disabled = []; this.picker.setViewSwitchLabel(this.year); this.picker.setPrevBtnDisabled(this.year <= this.minYear); this.picker.setNextBtnDisabled(this.year >= this.maxYear); const selected = this.selected[this.year] || []; const yrOutOfRange = this.year < this.minYear || this.year > this.maxYear; const isMinYear = this.year === this.minYear; const isMaxYear = this.year === this.maxYear; const range = computeMonthRange(this.range, this.year); Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => { const classList = el.classList; const date = dateValue(this.year, index, 1); el.className = `datepicker-cell ${this.cellClass}`; if (this.isMinView) { = date; } // reset text on every render to clear the custom content set // by beforeShow hook at previous render el.textContent = this.monthNames[index]; if ( yrOutOfRange || isMinYear && index < this.minMonth || isMaxYear && index > this.maxMonth ) { classList.add('disabled'); } if (range) { const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = range; if (index > rangeStart && index < rangeEnd) { classList.add('range'); } if (index === rangeStart) { classList.add('range-start'); } if (index === rangeEnd) { classList.add('range-end'); } } if (selected.includes(index)) { classList.add('selected'); } if (index === this.focused) { classList.add('focused'); } if (this.beforeShow) { this.performBeforeHook(el, index, date); } }); } // Update the view UI by applying the changes of selected and focused items refresh() { const selected = this.selected[this.year] || []; const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = computeMonthRange(this.range, this.year) || []; this.grid .querySelectorAll('.range, .range-start, .range-end, .selected, .focused') .forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove('range', 'range-start', 'range-end', 'selected', 'focused'); }); Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => { const classList = el.classList; if (index > rangeStart && index < rangeEnd) { classList.add('range'); } if (index === rangeStart) { classList.add('range-start'); } if (index === rangeEnd) { classList.add('range-end'); } if (selected.includes(index)) { classList.add('selected'); } if (index === this.focused) { classList.add('focused'); } }); } // Update the view UI by applying the change of focused item refreshFocus() { this.grid.querySelectorAll('.focused').forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove('focused'); }); this.grid.children[this.focused].classList.add('focused'); } }