describe('inline mode', function () { let element; let dp; let picker; beforeEach(function () { element = parseHTML('
').firstChild; testContainer.appendChild(element); dp = new Datepicker(element, {container: 'body'}); picker = document.querySelector('.datepicker'); }); afterEach(function () { dp.destroy(); testContainer.removeChild(element); }); it('uses the bound element for the container regardless of the container option', function () { expect(picker.parentElement, 'to be', element); }); it('does not add datepicker-input class to the bound element', function () { expect(element.classList.contains('datepicker-input'), 'to be false'); }); it('shows the picker on construction', function () { expect(isVisible(picker), 'to be true'); }); it('uses the data-date attribute for the initial date(s)', function () { expect(dp.dates[0], 'to be', dateValue(2020, 3, 22)); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); expect(picker.querySelector('.datepicker-cell.selected').textContent, 'to be', '22'); }); it('hide() takes no effect', function () { dp.hide(); expect(isVisible(picker), 'to be true'); }); it('enterEditMode() takes no effect', function () { dp.enterEditMode(); expect(dp.editMode, 'to be undefined'); }); });