import '../_setup.js'; import { parseHTML, isVisible, hideElement, showElement, emptyChildNodes, replaceChildNodes, } from '../../../js/lib/dom.js'; describe('lib/dom', function () { let el; before(function () { testContainer.innerHTML = '
'; el = testContainer.firstChild; }); after(function () { testContainer.removeChild(el); }); describe('parseHTML()', function () { it('parses an html fragment with Range.prototype.createContextualFragment()', function () { const spyFragment = sinon.spy(Range.prototype, 'createContextualFragment'); const html = '
'; const result = parseHTML(html); expect(spyFragment.calledWith(html), 'to be true'); expect(spyFragment.returned(result), 'to be true'); spyFragment.restore(); }); }); describe('isVisible()', function () { it('returns true if either offsetHeight > 0, offsetWidth > 0 or getClientRects() has an item', function () { expect(isVisible(el), 'to be false'); let stub = sinon.stub(el, "offsetHeight").get(() => 10); expect(isVisible(el), 'to be true'); stub.restore(); stub = sinon.stub(el, "offsetWidth").get(() => 10); expect(isVisible(el), 'to be true'); stub.restore(); stub = sinon.stub(el, 'getClientRects').callsFake(() => [{x: 10}, {x: 20}]); expect(isVisible(el), 'to be true'); stub.restore(); }); }); describe('hideElement()', function () { it('sets none to style.display', function () { hideElement(el); expect(, 'to be', 'none'); el.removeAttribute('style'); }); it('copies style.display to data-style-display attribute if other than none is set', function () { = 'flex'; hideElement(el); expect(, 'to be', 'none'); expect(el.getAttribute('data-style-display'), 'to be', 'flex'); el.removeAttribute('data-style-display'); = 'none'; hideElement(el); expect(el.hasAttribute('data-style-display'), 'to be false'); el.removeAttribute('style'); }); }); describe('showElement()', function () { it('clears style.display if none is set', function () { = 'none'; showElement(el); expect(, 'to be', ''); = 'inline'; showElement(el); expect(, 'to be', 'inline'); el.removeAttribute('style'); }); it('restores the value of data-style-display attribute to style.display if it exists', function () { = 'none'; el.setAttribute('data-style-display', 'flex'); showElement(el); expect(, 'to be', 'flex'); expect(el.hasAttribute('data-style-display'), 'to be false'); el.removeAttribute('style'); }); }); describe('emptyChildNodes()', function () { it('removes all child nodes', function () { el.innerHTML = '
'; emptyChildNodes(el); expect(el.innerHTML, 'to be empty'); }); }); describe('replaceChildNodes()', function () { it('replace all child nodes with given nodes', function () { const htmlBefore = '
'; const htmlAfter = '
'; // with html el.innerHTML = htmlBefore; replaceChildNodes(el, htmlAfter); expect(el.innerHTML, 'to be', htmlAfter); // with DocumentFragment const fragment = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(htmlAfter); el.innerHTML = htmlBefore; replaceChildNodes(el, fragment); expect(el.innerHTML, 'to be', htmlAfter); // with NodeList const nodeList = el.querySelectorAll('div'); el.innerHTML = htmlBefore; replaceChildNodes(el, nodeList); expect(el.innerHTML, 'to be', htmlAfter); // with array el.innerHTML = htmlBefore; replaceChildNodes(el, Array.from(nodeList)); expect(el.innerHTML, 'to be', htmlAfter); el.innerHTML = ''; }); }); });