// config options updatable by setOptions() and their default values const defaultOptions = { autohide: false, beforeShowDay: null, beforeShowDecade: null, beforeShowMonth: null, beforeShowYear: null, calendarWeeks: false, clearBtn: false, dateDelimiter: ',', datesDisabled: [], daysOfWeekDisabled: [], daysOfWeekHighlighted: [], defaultViewDate: undefined, // placeholder, defaults to today() by the program disableTouchKeyboard: false, format: 'mm/dd/yyyy', language: 'en', maxDate: null, maxNumberOfDates: 1, maxView: 3, minDate: null, nextArrow: '»', orientation: 'auto', pickLevel: 0, prevArrow: '«', showDaysOfWeek: true, showOnClick: true, showOnFocus: true, startView: 0, title: '', todayBtn: false, todayBtnMode: 0, todayHighlight: false, updateOnBlur: true, weekStart: 0, }; export default defaultOptions;