import {hasProperty, lastItemOf, isInRange, limitToRange} from '../lib/utils.js'; import {today} from '../lib/date.js'; import {parseHTML, showElement, hideElement, emptyChildNodes} from '../lib/dom.js'; import {registerListeners} from '../lib/event.js'; import pickerTemplate from './templates/pickerTemplate.js'; import DaysView from './views/DaysView.js'; import MonthsView from './views/MonthsView.js'; import YearsView from './views/YearsView.js'; import {triggerDatepickerEvent} from '../events/functions.js'; import { onClickTodayBtn, onClickClearBtn, onClickViewSwitch, onClickPrevBtn, onClickNextBtn, onClickView, onClickPicker, } from '../events/pickerListeners.js'; function processPickerOptions(picker, options) { if (options.title !== undefined) { if (options.title) { picker.controls.title.textContent = options.title; showElement(picker.controls.title); } else { picker.controls.title.textContent = ''; hideElement(picker.controls.title); } } if (options.prevArrow) { const prevBtn = picker.controls.prevBtn; emptyChildNodes(prevBtn); options.prevArrow.forEach((node) => { prevBtn.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); }); } if (options.nextArrow) { const nextBtn = picker.controls.nextBtn; emptyChildNodes(nextBtn); options.nextArrow.forEach((node) => { nextBtn.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); }); } if (options.locale) { picker.controls.todayBtn.textContent =; picker.controls.clearBtn.textContent = options.locale.clear; } if (options.todayBtn !== undefined) { if (options.todayBtn) { showElement(picker.controls.todayBtn); } else { hideElement(picker.controls.todayBtn); } } if (hasProperty(options, 'minDate') || hasProperty(options, 'maxDate')) { const {minDate, maxDate} = picker.datepicker.config; picker.controls.todayBtn.disabled = !isInRange(today(), minDate, maxDate); } if (options.clearBtn !== undefined) { if (options.clearBtn) { showElement(picker.controls.clearBtn); } else { hideElement(picker.controls.clearBtn); } } } // Compute view date to reset, which will be... // - the last item of the selected dates or defaultViewDate if no selection // - limitted to minDate or maxDate if it exceeds the range function computeResetViewDate(datepicker) { const {dates, config} = datepicker; const viewDate = dates.length > 0 ? lastItemOf(dates) : config.defaultViewDate; return limitToRange(viewDate, config.minDate, config.maxDate); } // Change current view's view date function setViewDate(picker, newDate) { const oldViewDate = new Date(picker.viewDate); const newViewDate = new Date(newDate); const {id, year, first, last} = picker.currentView; const viewYear = newViewDate.getFullYear(); picker.viewDate = newDate; if (viewYear !== oldViewDate.getFullYear()) { triggerDatepickerEvent(picker.datepicker, 'changeYear'); } if (newViewDate.getMonth() !== oldViewDate.getMonth()) { triggerDatepickerEvent(picker.datepicker, 'changeMonth'); } // return whether the new date is in different period on time from the one // displayed in the current view // when true, the view needs to be re-rendered on the next UI refresh. switch (id) { case 0: return newDate < first || newDate > last; case 1: return viewYear !== year; default: return viewYear < first || viewYear > last; } } function getTextDirection(el) { return window.getComputedStyle(el).direction; } // Class representing the picker UI export default class Picker { constructor(datepicker) { this.datepicker = datepicker; const template = pickerTemplate.replace(/%buttonClass%/g, datepicker.config.buttonClass); const element = this.element = parseHTML(template).firstChild; const [header, main, footer] = element.firstChild.children; const title = header.firstElementChild; const [prevBtn, viewSwitch, nextBtn] = header.lastElementChild.children; const [todayBtn, clearBtn] = footer.firstChild.children; const controls = { title, prevBtn, viewSwitch, nextBtn, todayBtn, clearBtn, }; this.main = main; this.controls = controls; const elementClass = datepicker.inline ? 'inline' : 'dropdown'; element.classList.add(`datepicker-${elementClass}`); processPickerOptions(this, datepicker.config); this.viewDate = computeResetViewDate(datepicker); // set up event listeners registerListeners(datepicker, [ [element, 'click', onClickPicker.bind(null, datepicker), {capture: true}], [main, 'click', onClickView.bind(null, datepicker)], [controls.viewSwitch, 'click', onClickViewSwitch.bind(null, datepicker)], [controls.prevBtn, 'click', onClickPrevBtn.bind(null, datepicker)], [controls.nextBtn, 'click', onClickNextBtn.bind(null, datepicker)], [controls.todayBtn, 'click', onClickTodayBtn.bind(null, datepicker)], [controls.clearBtn, 'click', onClickClearBtn.bind(null, datepicker)], ]); // set up views this.views = [ new DaysView(this), new MonthsView(this), new YearsView(this, {id: 2, name: 'years', cellClass: 'year', step: 1}), new YearsView(this, {id: 3, name: 'decades', cellClass: 'decade', step: 10}), ]; this.currentView = this.views[datepicker.config.startView]; this.currentView.render(); this.main.appendChild(this.currentView.element); datepicker.config.container.appendChild(this.element); } setOptions(options) { processPickerOptions(this, options); this.views.forEach((view) => { view.init(options, false); }); this.currentView.render(); } detach() { this.datepicker.config.container.removeChild(this.element); } show() { if ( { return; } this.element.classList.add('active'); = true; const datepicker = this.datepicker; if (!datepicker.inline) { // ensure picker's direction matches input's const inputDirection = getTextDirection(datepicker.inputField); if (inputDirection !== getTextDirection(datepicker.config.container)) { this.element.dir = inputDirection; } else if (this.element.dir) { this.element.removeAttribute('dir'); }; if (datepicker.config.disableTouchKeyboard) { datepicker.inputField.blur(); } } triggerDatepickerEvent(datepicker, 'show'); } hide() { if (! { return; } this.datepicker.exitEditMode(); this.element.classList.remove('active'); = false; triggerDatepickerEvent(this.datepicker, 'hide'); } place() { const {classList, style} = this.element; const {config, inputField} = this.datepicker; const container = config.container; const { width: calendarWidth, height: calendarHeight, } = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const { left: containerLeft, top: containerTop, width: containerWidth, } = container.getBoundingClientRect(); const { left: inputLeft, top: inputTop, width: inputWidth, height: inputHeight } = inputField.getBoundingClientRect(); let {x: orientX, y: orientY} = config.orientation; let scrollTop; let left; let top; if (container === document.body) { scrollTop = window.scrollY; left = inputLeft + window.scrollX; top = inputTop + scrollTop; } else { scrollTop = container.scrollTop; left = inputLeft - containerLeft; top = inputTop - containerTop + scrollTop; } if (orientX === 'auto') { if (left < 0) { // align to the left and move into visible area if input's left edge < window's orientX = 'left'; left = 10; } else if (left + calendarWidth > containerWidth) { // align to the right if canlendar's right edge > container's orientX = 'right'; } else { orientX = getTextDirection(inputField) === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left'; } } if (orientX === 'right') { left -= calendarWidth - inputWidth; } if (orientY === 'auto') { orientY = top - calendarHeight < scrollTop ? 'bottom' : 'top'; } if (orientY === 'top') { top -= calendarHeight; } else { top += inputHeight; } classList.remove( 'datepicker-orient-top', 'datepicker-orient-bottom', 'datepicker-orient-right', 'datepicker-orient-left' ); classList.add(`datepicker-orient-${orientY}`, `datepicker-orient-${orientX}`); = top ? `${top}px` : top; style.left = left ? `${left}px` : left; } setViewSwitchLabel(labelText) { this.controls.viewSwitch.textContent = labelText; } setPrevBtnDisabled(disabled) { this.controls.prevBtn.disabled = disabled; } setNextBtnDisabled(disabled) { this.controls.nextBtn.disabled = disabled; } changeView(viewId) { const oldView = this.currentView; const newView = this.views[viewId]; if ( !== { this.currentView = newView; this._renderMethod = 'render'; triggerDatepickerEvent(this.datepicker, 'changeView'); this.main.replaceChild(newView.element, oldView.element); } return this; } // Change the focused date (view date) changeFocus(newViewDate) { this._renderMethod = setViewDate(this, newViewDate) ? 'render' : 'refreshFocus'; this.views.forEach((view) => { view.updateFocus(); }); return this; } // Apply the change of the selected dates update() { const newViewDate = computeResetViewDate(this.datepicker); this._renderMethod = setViewDate(this, newViewDate) ? 'render' : 'refresh'; this.views.forEach((view) => { view.updateFocus(); view.updateSelection(); }); return this; } // Refresh the picker UI render(quickRender = true) { const renderMethod = (quickRender && this._renderMethod) || 'render'; delete this._renderMethod; this.currentView[renderMethod](); } }