describe('Datepicker - API methods', function () { let clock; let input; let dp; let picker; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({now: new Date(2020, 2, 14)}); input = parseHTML('').firstChild; testContainer.appendChild(input); dp = new Datepicker(input); picker = document.querySelector('.datepicker'); input.focus(); // Activate for visibility checks }); afterEach(function () { if (input.datepicker) { dp.destroy(); } testContainer.removeChild(input); clock.restore(); }); describe('getDate()', function () { it('returns a Date object of selected date', function () { const date = dp.getDate(); expect(date, 'to be a date'); expect(date.getTime(), 'to be', dateValue(2020, 3, 22)); }); it('returns a formatted date stirng of selected date if the format is specified', function () { expect(dp.getDate('yyyy-mm-dd'), 'to be', '2020-04-22'); }); it('returns undefined if no date is selected', function () { dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; dp = new Datepicker(input); expect(dp.getDate(), 'to be undefined'); expect(dp.getDate('yyyy-mm-dd'), 'to be undefined'); }); }); describe('setDate()', function () { it('changes the selected date to given date', function () { const spyChnageEvent = sinon.spy(); input.addEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); const viewSwitdh = getViewSwitch(picker); const date = new Date(2019, 11, 23); dp.setDate(date); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '12/23/2019'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'December 2019'); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[22]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[22]]); expect(cells[22].textContent, 'to be', '23'); dp.setDate('04/22/2020'); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 3, 22)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(cells[24].textContent, 'to be', '22'); // change by api call should not be a trigger of change event // (issue #24) expect(spyChnageEvent.called, 'to be false'); input.removeEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); // change the view to the selected daye's days view // (issue #33) dp.picker.changeFocus(dateValue(2021, 3, 20)).changeView(2).render(); dp.setDate('02/14/2020'); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); }); it('does nothing if no date or invalid date is given', function () { const viewSwitdh = getViewSwitch(picker); const origDates = [dateValue(2020, 3, 22)]; dp.setDate(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', origDates); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); const cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(cells[24].textContent, 'to be', '22'); dp.setDate(''); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', origDates); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); }); it('clears the selection if no dates + clear: true option are given', function () { const spyChnageEvent = sinon.spy(); input.addEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); const viewSwitdh = getViewSwitch(picker); const today =; dp.setDate({clear: true}); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', []); expect(input.value, 'to be', ''); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', Datepicker.formatDate(today, 'MM yyyy')); // view date is changed to the default view date (current date) const cells = getCells(picker); const todayCell = filterCells(cells, el => == today)[0]; expect(todayCell.textContent, 'to be', Datepicker.formatDate(today, 'd')); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', []); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [todayCell]); // change by api call should not be a trigger of change event // (issue #24) expect(spyChnageEvent.called, 'to be false'); input.removeEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); }); it('omits updating the picker UI if render option = false', function () { const date = new Date(2019, 11, 23); dp.setDate(date, {render: false}); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '12/23/2019'); const cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(cells[24].textContent, 'to be', '22'); }); it('hides the picker if both render and autohide options are true', function () { let date = new Date(2019, 11, 23); dp.setDate(date, {render: false, autohide: true}); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '12/23/2019'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); expect(filterCells(getCells(picker), '.selected')[0].textContent, 'to be', '22'); expect(isVisible(picker), 'to be true'); date = new Date(2018, 6, 14); dp.setDate(date, {autohide: true}); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '07/14/2018'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'July 2018'); expect(filterCells(getCells(picker), '.selected')[0].textContent, 'to be', '14'); expect(isVisible(picker), 'to be false'); }); }); describe('update()', function () { it('updates the selected date with the input element\'s value', function () { const viewSwitdh = getViewSwitch(picker); const date = new Date(2019, 11, 23); input.value = '12/23/2019'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '12/23/2019'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'December 2019'); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[22]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[22]]); expect(cells[22].textContent, 'to be', '23'); // change the view to the selected daye's days view // (issue #33) dp.picker.changeFocus(dateValue(2021, 3, 20)).changeView(2).render(); input.value = '02/14/2020'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(viewSwitdh.textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); }); it('notmalizes iput text\'s format', function () { const date = new Date(2020, 6, 4); input.value = '7 4 2020'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [date.getTime()]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '07/04/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'July 2020'); expect(filterCells(getCells(picker), '.selected')[0].textContent, 'to be', '4'); }); }); describe('refresh()', function () { it('refreshes the input element and picker UI to refrect the internal data', function () { const spyChnageEvent = sinon.spy(); input.addEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); dp.dates = [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]; dp.refresh(); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); const cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); // change by api call should not be a trigger of change event // (issue #24) expect(spyChnageEvent.called, 'to be false'); input.removeEventListener('change', spyChnageEvent); }); it('also changes the view back to the selected date\'s days view', function () { dp.dates = [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]; dp.picker.changeFocus(dateValue(2021, 3, 20)).changeView(2).render(); dp.refresh(); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); // go back to the current date's days view if no date is selected dp.dates = []; dp.picker.changeFocus(dateValue(2019, 10, 22)).update().changeView(1).render(); dp.refresh(); expect(input.value, 'to be', ''); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'March 2020'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', []); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[13]]); expect(cells[13].textContent, 'to be', '14'); clock.restore(); }); it('refresh only picker UI if target: "picker" is passed', function () { dp.dates = [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]; dp.refresh('picker'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); const cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); }); it('refresh only input element if target: "input" is passed', function () { dp.dates = [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]; dp.refresh('input'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); const cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[24]]); expect(cells[24].textContent, 'to be', '22'); }); it('re-renders the picker regardless of its state if forceRender true is passed', function () { let cells = getCells(picker); cells[16].classList.add('foo'); cells[12].textContent = '♥︎'; dp.dates = [dateValue(2020, 3, 10)]; dp.refresh('picker'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[12]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.foo'), 'to equal', [cells[16]]); expect(cells[12].textContent, 'to be', '♥︎'); dp.refresh('picker', true); cells = getCells(picker); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[12]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.foo'), 'to equal', []); expect(cells[12].textContent, 'to be', '10'); cells[16].classList.add('foo'); cells[12].textContent = '♥︎'; dp.refresh(true); cells = getCells(picker); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/10/2020'); expect(getViewSwitch(picker).textContent, 'to be', 'April 2020'); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[12]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.foo'), 'to equal', []); expect(cells[12].textContent, 'to be', '10'); }); }); });