describe('options - format & language', function () { let clock; let input; beforeEach(function () { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers({now: new Date(2020, 1, 14)}); input = document.createElement('input'); testContainer.appendChild(input); }); afterEach(function () { testContainer.removeChild(input); clock.restore(); }); describe('format', function () { it('specifies the date format used to parse/format the date string in input', function () { const dp = new Datepicker(input, {format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'}); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14)); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020-02-14'); input.value = '2020/4/22'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 3, 22)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020-04-22'); // when a date in a wrong format is given... dp.setDate('2/14/2020'); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2, 13, 2020)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '0008-08-12'); input.value = '22/4/2020'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(22, 3, 2020)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '0027-10-11'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('custom parser/fomatter can be used by providing them as toValue/toDisplay of an object', function () { const dp = new Datepicker(input, { format: { toDisplay(date) { return new Date(date.getTime() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString() .slice(0, 10) .replace(/-/g, ''); }, toValue(date) { const parts = [ parseInt(date.slice(0, 4), 10), parseInt(date.slice(4, 6), 10) - 1, parseInt(date.slice(6, 8), 10), ]; return dateValue(; }, }, }); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14)); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '20200214'); input.value = '20200422'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 3, 22)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '20200422'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('can be updated with setOptions()', function () { const dp = new Datepicker(input); dp.setOptions({format: 'd M, \'yy'}); dp.setDate('14/2/2020'); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 1, 14)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '14 Feb, \'20'); dp.setOptions({format: 'mm/dd/yyyy'}); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); input.value = '4/22/2020'; dp.update(); expect(dp.dates, 'to equal', [dateValue(2020, 3, 22)]); expect(input.value, 'to be', '04/22/2020'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); }); describe('language', function () { const getDayNames = picker => Array.from(picker.querySelectorAll('.dow')).map(el => el.textContent); it('specifies the language used for the month/day names, today/clear buttons and the default format/weekStart', function () { const locale = Datepicker.locales['zh-CN']; const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {language: 'zh-CN', todayBtn: true, clearBtn: true}); const viewSwitch = getViewSwitch(picker); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14));; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', '2020年02月'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020-02-14'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); const dayNames = locale.daysMin.slice(1); dayNames.push(locale.daysMin[0]); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', dayNames); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(cells[0].textContent, 'to be', '27'); expect(cells[5].textContent, 'to be', '1'); expect(cells[33].textContent, 'to be', '29'); expect(cells[41].textContent, 'to be', '8'); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(cells[18].textContent, 'to be', '14');; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', '2020'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(Array.from(cells).map(el => el.textContent), 'to equal', locale.monthsShort); cells[1].click(); input.value = '2020-4-22'; dp.update(); expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', '2020年04月'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020-04-22'); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[23]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[23]]); expect(cells[23].textContent, 'to be', '22'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('default format/weekStart in the locale are overriden by user-specified ones', function () { const locale = Datepicker.locales['zh-CN']; const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {language: 'zh-CN', format: 'yyyy年mm月dd日', weekStart: 0}); const viewSwitch = getViewSwitch(picker); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14));; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', '2020年02月'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020年02月14日'); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', locale.daysMin); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('language code + tag not installed falls back to the language code without tag', function () { const locale =; const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {language: 'fr-CA', todayBtn: true, clearBtn: true}); const viewSwitch = getViewSwitch(picker); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14));; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', 'février 2020'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '14/02/2020'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); const dayNames = locale.daysMin.slice(1); dayNames.push(locale.daysMin[0]); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', dayNames); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('language code not installed falls back to "en"', function () { const locale = Datepicker.locales.en; const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {language: 'it', todayBtn: true, clearBtn: true}); const viewSwitch = getViewSwitch(picker); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14));; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', locale.daysMin); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('can be updated with setOptions()', function () { const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {todayBtn: true, clearBtn: true}); const viewSwitch = getViewSwitch(picker); let locale = Datepicker.locales['zh-CN']; dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14)); dp.setOptions({language: 'zh-CN'});; expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', '2020年02月'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020-02-14'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); let dayNames = locale.daysMin.slice(1); dayNames.push(locale.daysMin[0]); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', dayNames); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(cells[18].textContent, 'to be', '14'); locale =; dp.setOptions({language: 'fr'}); expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', 'février 2020'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '14/02/2020'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); dayNames = locale.daysMin.slice(1); dayNames.push(locale.daysMin[0]); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', dayNames); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[18]]); expect(cells[18].textContent, 'to be', '14'); locale = Datepicker.locales.en; dp.setOptions({language: 'en'}); expect(viewSwitch.textContent, 'to be', 'February 2020'); expect(input.value, 'to be', '02/14/2020'); expect(picker.querySelector('.today-btn').textContent, 'to be',; expect(picker.querySelector('.clear-btn').textContent, 'to be', locale.clear); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', locale.daysMin); cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); it('user-specified format/weekStart other than old language\'s default are kept on being updated dynamically', function () { const {dp, picker} = createDP(input, {language: 'zh-CN', format: 'yyyy/mm/dd', weekStart: 0}); dp.setDate(new Date(2020, 1, 14));; let locale =; dp.setOptions({language: 'fr'}); expect(input.value, 'to be', '2020/02/14'); expect(getDayNames(picker), 'to equal', locale.daysMin); let cells = getCells(picker); expect(filterCells(cells, '.selected'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(filterCells(cells, '.focused'), 'to equal', [cells[19]]); expect(cells[19].textContent, 'to be', '14'); dp.destroy(); input.value = ''; }); }); });