import './_setup.js'; import DateRangePicker from '../../js/DateRangePicker.js'; import {parseHTML} from '../../js/lib/dom.js'; // to spy constructor with sinon, import entire module // @see: import * as DP from '../../js/Datepicker.js'; const Datepicker = DP.default; describe('DateRangePicker', function () { let elem; let input0; let input1; beforeEach(function () { elem = parseHTML('
').firstChild; [input0, input1] = elem.children; testContainer.appendChild(elem); }); afterEach(function () { document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').forEach((el) => { el.parentElement.removeChild(el); }); delete input0.datepicker; delete input1.datepicker; delete elem.rangepicker; testContainer.removeChild(elem); }); describe('constructor', function () { it('attachs the created instance to the bound element', function () { const drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(elem.rangepicker, 'to be', drp); }); it('configures the instance with the default values', function () { let drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(drp.allowOneSidedRange, 'to be false'); }); it('creates datepicker for the inputs passing rangepicker and given options expect', function () { const spyDPConstructor = sinon.spy(DP, 'default'); let drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(spyDPConstructor.args, 'to equal', [ [input0, {}, drp], [input1, {}, drp], ]); expect(input0.datepicker, 'to be a', Datepicker); expect(input1.datepicker, 'to be a', Datepicker); expect([input0.datepicker, input1.datepicker], 'to equal', drp.datepickers); spyDPConstructor.resetHistory(); delete input0.datepicker; delete input1.datepicker; delete elem.rangepicker; const fakeOptions = {foo: 123, bar: 456}; drp = new DateRangePicker(elem, fakeOptions); expect(spyDPConstructor.args, 'to equal', [ [input0, fakeOptions, drp], [input1, fakeOptions, drp], ]); spyDPConstructor.restore(); }); it('makes datepickers property read-only/immutable', function () { const drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(() => { drp.datepickers = []; }, 'to throw a', TypeError); expect(() => { drp.datepickers[0] = null; }, 'to throw a', TypeError); expect(() => { drp.datepickers[2] = {}; }, 'to throw a', TypeError); }); it('excludes inputs, allowOneSidedRange and maxNumberOfDates from options to pass Datepicker container', function () { const spyDPConstructor = sinon.spy(DP, 'default'); new DateRangePicker(elem, { inputs: [input0, input1], allowOneSidedRange: false, maxNumberOfDates: 2, foo: 123, }); expect(spyDPConstructor.args[0][1], 'to equal', {foo: 123}); spyDPConstructor.restore(); }); it('works with arbitrary input elements if they are provided in the inputs option', function () { const outsideEl = document.createElement('div'); const drp = new DateRangePicker(outsideEl, {inputs: [input0, input1]}); expect(outsideEl.rangepicker, 'to be', drp); expect(input0.datepicker.rangepicker, 'to be', drp); expect(input1.datepicker.rangepicker, 'to be', drp); expect([input0.datepicker, input1.datepicker], 'to equal', drp.datepickers); }); it('append datepicker elements to the container)', function () { new DateRangePicker(elem); const dpElems = Array.from(document.body.children).filter(el => el.matches('.datepicker')); expect(dpElems, 'to have length', 2); }); it('does not add the active class to the picker elements', function () { new DateRangePicker(elem); const dpElems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker')); expect(dpElems.filter(el => el.classList.contains('active')), 'to be empty'); }); it('does nothing but creating an instance if number of inputs < 2', function () { elem.removeChild(input1); let drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(elem, 'not to have property', 'rangepicker'); expect(drp, 'not to have properties', ['inputs', 'datepickers']); expect(input0, 'not to have property', 'datepicker'); expect(document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').length, 'to be', 0); const outsideEl = document.createElement('div'); drp = new DateRangePicker(outsideEl, {inputs: [input0]}); expect(outsideEl, 'not to have property', 'rangepicker'); expect(input0, 'not to have property', 'datepicker'); expect(document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').length, 'to be', 0); }); }); describe('destroy()', function () { let drp; let spyDestroy0; let spyDestroy1; beforeEach(function () { drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); spyDestroy0 = sinon.spy(input0.datepicker, 'destroy'); spyDestroy1 = sinon.spy(input1.datepicker, 'destroy'); }); afterEach(function () { spyDestroy0.restore(); spyDestroy1.restore(); }); it('calls destroy() of each datepickers', function () { drp.destroy(); expect(spyDestroy0.called, 'to be true'); expect(spyDestroy1.called, 'to be true'); }); it('removes the instance from the bound element', function () { drp.destroy(); expect(, 'rangepicker'), 'to be false'); }); }); describe('dates property', function () { it('contains the array of the inputs\' selected dates', function () { const drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); expect(drp.dates, 'to equal', [undefined, undefined]); const date0 = new Date(2020, 3, 20).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); const date1 = new Date(2020, 3, 22).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); drp.datepickers[0].dates = [date0]; drp.datepickers[1].dates = [date1]; expect(drp.dates, 'to equal', [date0, date1]); }); }); describe('setOptions()', function () { it('updates allowOneSidedRange but ignores inputs if they are in the given options', function () { const input2 = document.createElement('input'); const drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); drp.setOptions({allowOneSidedRange: true, inputs: [input2, input0]}); expect(drp.allowOneSidedRange, 'to be true'); expect(drp.inputs, 'to equal', [input0, input1]); }); it('calls each datepicker\'s setOptions() with given options except inputs, allowOneSidedRange and maxNumberOfDates', function () { const drp = new DateRangePicker(elem); const stubDP0SetOptions = sinon.stub(drp.datepickers[0], 'setOptions').callsFake(() => {}); const stubDP1SetOptions = sinon.stub(drp.datepickers[1], 'setOptions').callsFake(() => {}); drp.setOptions({inputs: [], allowOneSidedRange: true, maxNumberOfDates: 2, foo: 123, bar: 456}); expect(stubDP0SetOptions.args, 'to equal', [[{foo: 123, bar: 456}]]); expect(stubDP1SetOptions.args, 'to equal', [[{foo: 123, bar: 456}]]); }); }); });