123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308 |
- import './_setup.js';
- import Datepicker from '../../js/Datepicker.js';
- import defaultOptions from '../../js/options/defaultOptions.js';
- import {locales} from '../../js/i18n/base-locales.js';
- import {dateValue, today} from '../../js/lib/date.js';
- const esLocale = {
- months: ["Enero", "Febrero", "Marzo", "Abril", "Mayo", "Junio", "Julio", "Agosto", "Septiembre", "Octubre", "Noviembre", "Diciembre"],
- monthsShort: ["Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic"],
- };
- describe('Datepicker', function () {
- it('has locales attribute with "en" locale', function () {
- expect(Datepicker.locales, 'to be an object');
- expect(Datepicker.locales.en, 'to equal', locales.en);
- });
- describe('constructor', function () {
- let input;
- beforeEach(function () {
- input = document.createElement('input');
- testContainer.appendChild(input);
- });
- after(function () {
- document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').forEach((el) => {
- el.parentElement.removeChild(el);
- });
- delete input.datepicker;
- testContainer.removeChild(input);
- });
- it('attachs the created instance to the bound element', function () {
- const dp = new Datepicker(input);
- expect(input.datepicker, 'to be', dp);
- });
- it('adds datepicker-input class to the bound element', function () {
- new Datepicker(input);
- expect(input.classList.contains('datepicker-input'), 'to be true');
- });
- it('configures the instance with the default options', function () {
- const dp = new Datepicker(input);
- // config items should be options + container, locale, multidate and weekEnd
- const numOfOptions = Object.keys(defaultOptions).length;
- expect(Object.keys(dp.config), 'to have length', numOfOptions + 5);
- expect(dp.config.autohide, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.beforeShowDay, 'to be null');
- expect(dp.config.beforeShowDecade, 'to be null');
- expect(dp.config.beforeShowMonth, 'to be null');
- expect(dp.config.beforeShowYear, 'to be null');
- expect(dp.config.buttonClass, 'to be', 'button');
- expect(dp.config.calendarWeeks, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.clearBtn, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.container, 'to be', document.body);
- expect(dp.config.dateDelimiter, 'to be', ',');
- expect(dp.config.datesDisabled, 'to equal', []);
- expect(dp.config.daysOfWeekDisabled, 'to equal', []);
- expect(dp.config.daysOfWeekHighlighted, 'to equal', []);
- expect(dp.config.defaultViewDate, 'to be', today());
- expect(dp.config.disableTouchKeyboard, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.format, 'to be', 'mm/dd/yyyy');
- expect(dp.config.language, 'to be', 'en');
- expect(dp.config.locale, 'to equal', Object.assign({
- format: defaultOptions.format,
- weekStart: defaultOptions.weekStart,
- }, locales.en));
- expect(dp.config.maxDate, 'to be undefined');
- expect(dp.config.maxNumberOfDates, 'to be', 1);
- expect(dp.config.maxView, 'to be', 3);
- expect(dp.config.minDate, 'to be', dateValue(0, 0, 1));
- expect(dp.config.multidate, 'to be false');
- //
- expect(dp.config.nextArrow, 'to be a', NodeList);
- expect(dp.config.nextArrow.length, 'to be', 1);
- expect(dp.config.nextArrow[0].wholeText, 'to be', '»');
- //
- expect(dp.config.orientation, 'to equal', {x: 'auto', y: 'auto'});
- expect(dp.config.pickLevel, 'to be', 0);
- //
- expect(dp.config.prevArrow, 'to be a', NodeList);
- expect(dp.config.prevArrow.length, 'to be', 1);
- expect(dp.config.prevArrow[0].wholeText, 'to be', '«');
- //
- expect(dp.config.showDaysOfWeek, 'to be true');
- expect(dp.config.showOnFocus, 'to be true');
- expect(dp.config.startView, 'to be', 0);
- expect(dp.config.title, 'to be', '');
- expect(dp.config.todayBtn, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.todayHighlight, 'to be false');
- expect(dp.config.updateOnBlur, 'to be true');
- expect(dp.config.weekStart, 'to be', 0);
- expect(dp.config.weekEnd, 'to be', 6);
- });
- it('append datepicker element to the container)', function () {
- new Datepicker(input);
- const dpElem = Array.from(document.body.children).find(el => el.matches('.datepicker'));
- expect(dpElem, 'not to be undefined');
- });
- it('does not add the active class to the picker element', function () {
- new Datepicker(input);
- const dpElem = document.querySelector('.datepicker');
- expect(dpElem.classList.contains('active'), 'to be false');
- });
- it('sets rangepicker properties if DateRangePicker to link is passed', function () {
- const fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: [input],
- datepickers: [],
- };
- const dp = new Datepicker(input, {}, fakeRangepicker);
- expect(dp.rangepicker, 'to be', fakeRangepicker);
- });
- it('adds itself to rangepicker.datepickers if DateRangePicker to link is passed', function () {
- let fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: [input],
- datepickers: [],
- };
- let dp = new Datepicker(input, {}, fakeRangepicker);
- expect(fakeRangepicker.datepickers[0], 'to be', dp);
- fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: [undefined, input],
- datepickers: [],
- };
- dp = new Datepicker(input, {}, fakeRangepicker);
- expect(fakeRangepicker.datepickers[1], 'to be', dp);
- });
- it('throws an error if invalid rangepicker is passed', function () {
- const testFn = rangepicker => new Datepicker(input, {}, rangepicker);
- const errMsg = 'Invalid rangepicker object.';
- let fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: [],
- datepickers: [],
- };
- expect(() => testFn(fakeRangepicker), 'to throw', errMsg);
- fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: ['foo', 'bar', input],
- datepickers: [],
- };
- expect(() => testFn(fakeRangepicker), 'to throw', errMsg);
- fakeRangepicker = {
- inputs: [input],
- };
- expect(() => testFn(fakeRangepicker), 'to throw', errMsg);
- });
- });
- describe('destroy()', function () {
- let input;
- let dp;
- let spyHide;
- let returnVal;
- before(function () {
- input = document.createElement('input');
- testContainer.appendChild(input);
- dp = new Datepicker(input);
- spyHide = sinon.spy(dp, 'hide');
- returnVal = dp.destroy();
- });
- after(function () {
- spyHide.restore();
- document.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').forEach((el) => {
- el.parentElement.removeChild(el);
- });
- delete input.datepicker;
- testContainer.removeChild(input);
- });
- it('calls hide()', function () {
- expect(spyHide.called, 'to be true');
- });
- it('removes datepicker element from its container', function () {
- expect(document.body.querySelectorAll('.datepicker').length, 'to be', 0);
- });
- it('removes the instance from the bound element', function () {
- expect(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(input, 'datepicker'), 'to be false');
- });
- it('removes datepicker-input class from the bound element', function () {
- expect(input.classList.contains('datepicker-input'), 'to be false');
- });
- it('returns the instance', function () {
- expect(returnVal, 'to be', dp);
- });
- });
- describe('show()', function () {
- let input;
- let dp;
- let dpElem;
- before(function () {
- input = document.createElement('input');
- testContainer.appendChild(input);
- dp = new Datepicker(input);
- dpElem = document.querySelector('.datepicker');
- dp.show();
- });
- after(function () {
- dp.destroy();
- testContainer.removeChild(input);
- });
- it('adds the "active" class to the datepicker element', function () {
- expect(dpElem.classList.contains('active'), 'to be true');
- });
- it('sets true to the picker.active property', function () {
- expect(dp.picker.active, 'to be true');
- });
- });
- describe('hide()', function () {
- let input;
- let dp;
- let dpElem;
- before(function () {
- input = document.createElement('input');
- testContainer.appendChild(input);
- dp = new Datepicker(input);
- dpElem = document.querySelector('.datepicker');
- dp.picker.active = true;
- dpElem.classList.add('active');
- dp.hide();
- });
- after(function () {
- dp.destroy();
- testContainer.removeChild(input);
- });
- it('removes the "active" class from the datepicker element', function () {
- expect(dpElem.classList.contains('active'), 'to be false');
- });
- it('deletes the "picker.active" property', function () {
- expect(dp.picker, 'to have property', 'active');
- });
- });
- describe('static formatDate()', function () {
- it('formats a date or time value', function () {
- Datepicker.locales.es = esLocale;
- let date = new Date(2020, 0, 4);
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date, 'y-m-d'), 'to be', '2020-1-4');
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date.getTime(), 'dd M yy'), 'to be', '04 Jan 20');
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date, 'dd M yy', 'es'), 'to be', '04 Ene 20');
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date.getTime(), 'MM d, y', 'es'), 'to be', 'Enero 4, 2020');
- delete Datepicker.locales.es;
- // fallback to en
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date, 'dd M yy', 'es'), 'to be', '04 Jan 20');
- expect(Datepicker.formatDate(date.getTime(), 'MM d, y', 'es'), 'to be', 'January 4, 2020');
- });
- });
- describe('static parseDate()', function () {
- it('parses a date string and returnes the time value of the date', function () {
- Datepicker.locales.es = esLocale;
- let timeValue = new Date(2020, 0, 4).getTime();
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('2020-1-4', 'y-m-d'), 'to be', timeValue);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('04 Jan 2020', 'dd M yy'), 'to be', timeValue);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('04 Ene 2020', 'dd M yy', 'es'), 'to be', timeValue);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('Enero 4, 2020', 'MM d, y', 'es'), 'to be', timeValue);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('04/20/2022', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 'to equal', new Date(2022, 3, 20).getTime());
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('5/3/1994', 'd/m/y'), 'to equal', new Date(1994, 2, 5).getTime());
- delete Datepicker.locales.es;
- // fallback to en
- const fallbackDate = new Date(timeValue).setMonth(new Date().getMonth());
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('04 Ene 2020', 'dd M yy', 'es'), 'to be', fallbackDate);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('Enero 4, 2020', 'MM d, y', 'es'), 'to be', fallbackDate);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('04 Jan 2020', 'dd M yy', 'es'), 'to be', timeValue);
- expect(Datepicker.parseDate('2020-1-4', 'y-m-d', 'es'), 'to be', timeValue);
- });
- });
- });