English.php 7.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. namespace Core\Language;
  3. class English extends AnyLanguage
  4. {
  5. public function __construct()
  6. {
  7. $this->data['home'] = 'Home';
  8. $this->data['back'] = 'Back';
  9. $this->data['fsync_autostock_info'] = 'Note: Automatic synchronization requires a cron job with the following URL:';
  10. $this->data['title'] = 'Facturis Online Sync';
  11. $this->data['description'] = 'Synchronize data between your store and your Facturis Online account.';
  12. $this->data['version_text'] = 'Module Version';
  13. $this->data['version_link'] = 'https://facturis-online.ro/';
  14. $this->data['check_latest_version'] = 'Click here to find the latest version';
  15. $this->data['version_check_error'] = 'Version check error';
  16. $this->data['version_check_success'] = 'You have the latest version!';
  17. $this->data['version_check_new'] = 'There is a newer version';
  18. $this->data['version_check_link_1'] = 'For details click';
  19. $this->data['version_check_link_2'] = 'here';
  20. $this->data['error_auth_data'] = 'Please fill in all the fields from the authentication section of the synchronization module';
  21. //tutorial
  22. $this->data['tutorial_title'] = 'Setup instructions';
  23. $this->data['tutorial_p'] = "Let's get started by following this guide";
  24. $this->data['tutorial_1'] = 'This module helps a user of the Facturis Online platform who has a Shopify store and who wants to have synchronized, in a faster and more convenient way, the products, orders and stock between the 2 online applications';
  25. $this->data['tutorial_2'] = 'The first thing before using this module is the correct completion of the section Authentication with data from his account Facturis Online';
  26. $this->data['tutorial_3'] = 'The second step is to set preferences in the Options section to customize subsequent synchronization processes';
  27. $this->data['tutorial_4'] = 'The last step is to choose a data type from the Synchronization section and start the synchronization process';
  28. //tab 1
  29. $this->data['tab_name_1'] = 'Synchronization';
  30. $this->data['tab_description_1'] = 'Select the data type you want for synchronization and then press Syncronize button';
  31. $this->data['data_type'] = '[Choose data type]';
  32. $this->data['product'] = 'Products';
  33. $this->data['order'] = 'Orders';
  34. $this->data['stock'] = 'Stock';
  35. $this->data['proforma'] = 'Proformas';
  36. $this->data['sync_btn'] = 'Synchronize';
  37. $this->data['datatype_error'] = 'The data type is required.';
  38. $this->data['sync_please_wait'] = 'Synchronizing data ... Please wait ...';
  39. $this->data['authform_error'] = 'The authentication form must be completed';
  40. $this->data['success_sync_prod'] = 'Successfully synchronized products!';
  41. $this->data['success_sync_order'] = 'Successfully synchronized orders!';
  42. $this->data['success_sync_proforma'] = 'Successfully synchronized orders! (view Proforme in Facturis Online) ';
  43. $this->data['success_sync_stock'] = 'Successfully synchronized stock!';
  44. $this->data['start_sync_prod'] = 'Products synchronization started..';
  45. $this->data['start_sync_order'] = 'Orders synchronization started..';
  46. $this->data['start_sync_proforma'] = 'Proformas synchronization started..';
  47. $this->data['start_sync_stock'] = 'Stock synchronization started..';
  48. $this->data['select_text'] = 'Select sync data type';
  49. //tab 2
  50. $this->data['tab_name_2'] = 'Authentication';
  51. $this->data['tab_description_2'] = 'All fields are required';
  52. $this->data['auth_api_key'] = 'API Key';
  53. $this->data['auth_username'] = 'Username';
  54. $this->data['auth_password'] = 'Password';
  55. $this->data['auth_fiscal_code'] = 'Fiscal code';
  56. $this->data['save_btn'] = 'Save';
  57. $this->data['auth_apikey_error'] = 'API key is required.';
  58. $this->data['auth_username_error'] = 'Username is required.';
  59. $this->data['auth_password_error'] = 'Password is required.';
  60. $this->data['auth_fiscalcode_error'] = 'Fiscal code is required.';
  61. $this->data['success_auth'] = 'The credentials are correct and now you have access to synchronization!';
  62. //tab 3
  63. $this->data['tab_name_3'] = 'Order Options';
  64. $this->data['tab_name_3_1'] = 'Order Synchronization Options';
  65. $this->data['tab_name_3_2'] = 'Stock Synchronization Options';
  66. $this->data['sync_orders_as'] = 'Synchronize orders as';
  67. $this->data['proforma_series'] = 'Proforma series';
  68. $this->data['days_ago'] = 'Sync only orders created in the last few days';
  69. $this->data['auto_order_sync'] = 'Auto order synchronization';
  70. $this->data['auto_stock_sync'] = 'Auto stock synchronization';
  71. $this->data['activ'] = 'Enabled';
  72. $this->data['inactiv'] = 'Disabled';
  73. $this->data['cron_job'] = 'Note: Automatic synchronization requires a cron job with the following URL:';
  74. $this->data['filter_stock'] = 'Filter stock by working unit and management';
  75. $this->data['filter_stock_all'] = 'All working units';
  76. $this->data['loading_data_please_wait'] = 'Loading data ... Please wait ...';
  77. $this->data['option_proformaserie_error'] = 'Proforma serie is required';
  78. $this->data['option_daysago_error'] = 'Field is required and must contain only digits';
  79. $this->data['success_options'] = 'You have successfully saved the selected options!';
  80. $this->data['success_save_data'] = 'You have successfully saved the selected data!';
  81. $this->data['locations'] = 'Choose the locations where the stock will be updated';
  82. $this->data['success_save_options'] = 'You have successfully saved the selected options!';
  83. $this->data['success_save_auth'] = 'You have successfully saved the entered credentials!';
  84. $this->data['with_discount'] = 'Include discount in final price';
  85. $this->data['with_discount_desc'] = '(valid for orders, invoices and proforms)';
  86. //tab 4
  87. $this->data['tab_name_4'] = 'Stock Options';
  88. //tab 5
  89. $this->data['tab_name_5'] = 'Logs';
  90. $this->data['datepicker'] = 'en-gb';
  91. $this->data['download_btn'] = 'Download';
  92. $this->data['clear_btn'] = 'Clear';
  93. $this->data['tab_description_5_1'] = 'Select data interval and then press Download button to get the logs';
  94. $this->data['tab_description_5_2'] = 'Press Clear to reset all logs';
  95. $this->data['success_download_log'] = 'The log file was downloaded succesfully!';
  96. $this->data['error_download_log'] = 'There was an error downloading the log file';
  97. $this->data['download_log_error_1'] = 'You must complete the start date';
  98. $this->data['download_log_error_2'] = 'The start date must be less than or equal to the end date';
  99. $this->data['confirm_clear_log'] = 'Are you sure you want to clear the log file ?';
  100. $this->data['success_clear_log'] = 'The log file was cleared succesfully!';
  101. $this->data['error_clear_log'] = 'There was an error clearing the log file';
  102. $this->data['log_header_date'] = 'Date';
  103. $this->data['log_header_type'] = 'Type';
  104. $this->data['log_header_description'] = 'Description';
  105. $this->data['success_test_auth'] = 'Authentication testing completed successfully';
  106. $this->data['start_sync_process'] = 'The sync process has started';
  107. }
  108. }