options.md 10.0 KB


There are 2 kinds of config options: the Datepicker options and the DateRangePicker options. The former are for DatePicker object and the latter are for DateRangePicker object.

Datepicker options can be used with date range picker. And when doing so, you can pass them mixing with DateRangePicker options into one "options" object.

Datepicker options passed to date range picker are applied to its start- and end-date pickers.

Aside from a couple of exceptions, config options can be updated dynamically using the setOptions() method.

Datepicker Options


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to hide the date picker immediately after a date is selected.

Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Function to customize the day cells in the days view. The function is called when each day cell is rendered.

  • function
    • Arguments:
    • date: {Date} - Date associated with the cell
    • Return:
    • {Object} - Things to customize. Available properties are:
      • enabled: {Boolean} - whether the cell is selectable
      • classes: {String} - space-separated additional CSS classes for the cell element
      • content: {String} - HTML for the cell element's child nodes
    • {String} - additional classes — same as returning { classes: additionalClasses }
    • {Boolean} - whether the cell is selectable — same as returning { enabled: isSelectable }
function (date) {
    let isSelectable, additionalClasses, htmlFragment;
    //...your customization logic
    return {
        enabled: isSelectable,
        classes: additionalClasses,
        content: htmlFragment,
    // Or
    return additionalClasses;
    // Or
    return isSelectable;


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Function to customize the decade cells in the decades view. The function is called when each decade cell is rendered.

See beforeShowDay for the function details.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Function to customize the month cells in the months view. The function is called when each month cell is rendered.

See beforeShowDay for the function details.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Function to customize the year cells in the years view. The function is called when each year cell is rendered.

See beforeShowDay for the function details.


  • Type: String
  • Default: 'button'

CSS class for <button> elements. (view switch, prev/next buttons, clear and today buttons)

For constructor only. Cannot be used with setOptions().


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to show the week number (ISO week) on week rows.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to show the clear button.


  • Type: String
  • Default: body

CSS selector for the element to append the date picker.

For constructor only. Cannot be used with setOptions().
On inline picker, this option is ignored and overwritten to the associated element.


  • Type: String
  • Default: ','

Delimiter string to separate the dates in a multi-date string.

The delimiter must not be included in date format string.


  • Type: Array
  • Default: []

Dates to disable. Array of date strings, Date objects, time values or mix of those.

Multi-date string cannot be used. Use multiple single-date strings instead.


  • Type: Number[]
  • Default: []

Days of the week to disable. 0:Sunday6:Saturday, up to 6 items.


  • Type: Number[]
  • Default: []

Days of the week to highlight. 0:Sunday6:Saturday, up to 6 items.


  • Type: String|Date|Number
  • Default: current date

The date to be focused when the date picker opens with no selected date(s).


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to prevent on-screen keyboard on mobile devices from showing up when the associated input field receives focus.

Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: String|Object
  • Default: 'mm/dd/yyyy'

Date format string.

The format string must not include the dateDelimiter string.

Alternatively, object that contains custom parser and formatter functions can be used.

  • Parser
    • Property (function) name: toValue
    • Arguments:
    • date: {String|Date|Number} - date string, Date object or time value to parse
    • format: {Object} - format object itself
    • locale: {Object} - locale of the current language
    • Return:
    • {Date} - parsed date object
  • Formatter
    • Property (function) name: toDisplay
    • Arguments::
    • date: {Date} - date object to format
    • format: {Object} - format object itself
    • locale: {Object} - locale of the current language
    • Return:
    • {String} - formated date
    format: {
        toValue(date, format, locale) {
            let dateObject;
            //...your custom parse logic
            return dateObject;
        toDisplay(date, format, locale) {
            let dateString;
            //...your custom format logic
            return dateString;


  • Type: String
  • Default: 'en'

The language code of the language used by the date picker.

For languages other than en to work, their locales must be loaded into your project/program.
See i18n for the details.


  • Type: String|Date|Number
  • Default: null

Maximum limit to selectable date. No limit is applied if null is set.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 1

Maximum number of dates users can select. No limit is applied if 0 is set.

Not available for date range picker.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 3

Maximum limit to the view that the date picker displays. 0:days3:decades.


  • Type: String|Date|Number
  • Default: null

Minimum limit to selectable date. No limit is applied if null is set.


  • Type: String
  • Default: '»'

HTML (or plain text) for the button label of the "Next" button.

See the note in i18n ≻ Text Direction when using with RTL languages.


  • Type: String
  • Default: 'auto'

Space-separated string for date picker's horizontal and vertical placement to the associated input field. left|right|auto for horizontal and top|bottom|auto for vertical.

The order can be random.
If one direction is omitted, it falls back to auto. (e.g. 'top' == 'top auto')
Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

The level that the date picker allows to pick. 0:date,1: month  or 2:year.

When this option is 1, the selected date becomes the 1st of the month or, if the date picker is the end-date picker of date range picker, the last day of the month.
When this option is 2, the selected date becomes January 1st of the year or, if the date picker is the end-date picker of date range picker, December 31st of the year.


  • Type: String
  • Default: '«'

HTML (or plain text) for the button label of the "Prev" button.

See the note in i18n ≻ Text Direction when using with RTL languages.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to show the day names of the week.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to show the date picker when the associated input filed is clicked.

Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to show the date picker automatically when the associated input filed receives focus.

Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

The view displayed when the date picker opens. 0:days3:decades.


  • Type: String
  • Default: ''

Title string shown in the date picker's title bar.

The title bar is not displayed if the title is empty.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to show the today button.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

The mode how the today button behaves.

Mode | Name | Description --|--|-- 0 | focus | Move the focused date to the current date without changing the selection
1 | select | Select (or toggle the selection of) the current date


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to highlight the current date.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Whether to update the selected date(s) with the input field's value when the input field is losing focus.

When this option is false, if the user edits the date string in input field, it will be parsed and applied only when the user presses the Enter key. If the edit is left unparsed, it will be discarded when input field becomes unfocused (by Tab key press or click outside the picker element/input field).

Not available on inline picker.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

Start day of the week. 0:Sunday6:Saturday.

DateRangePicker Options


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to allow one side of the date-range to be blank.

When this option is false, if the user selects a date on one side while the other side is blank, the date range picker complements the blank side with the same date as the selected side.
Similarly, if the user clears one side of the date-range, the date range picker also clears the other side automatically.


  • Type: Element[]
  • Default: input elements inside the associated block element

Input fields to attach start- and end-date pickers. Must contain 2 items.

For constructor only. Cannot be used with setOptions().